Today is a very special day, it’s a palindrome day : 02/02/2020 ! The first in 909 years (707+202) !!! But it’s also the ultimate day for the ROLAND MC202 !
So, Happy Double 202 day, Happy Palindrome Day and definetely a Happy Roland Year (202+303+707+808=2020) !
For this occasion, 707_202_EP by Repeat Eater is on free download for today:
“Today is a very special occasion — the date is a palindrome, meaning it is the same when read forwards and backwards. It is February 2, 2020, or 02/02/2020, in both the MM/DD/YYYY format and the DD/MM/YYYY format. At just after 2 a.m., it was 02:02:20 on 02/02/2020.This is the only time such a date will occur this century.The previous palindrome date in all formats came 909 years ago on 11/11/1111. The next will come in 101 years on 12/12/2121 and after that there will not be another until 03/03/3030.” – London CNN