Weith reviewed in Seek Sick Sound !

A review by SeekSickSound in french for the next EP on Concrete Collage : “Doubts” by Weith. http://www.seeksicksound.com/premiere-un-titre-du-prochain-concrete-collage-signe-weith/ Into the bargain, a Premiere of the track “Fight or Flight” https://soundcloud.com/seeksicksound/premiere-weith-fight-or-flight-coward-mix-out-march-6-on-concrete-collage…

Fxbip @ Le Catalyste

…“unreleased” mais d’autres sont disponibles sur les excellents labels tels que : Virtual Urban Records (VUR), Pr0gramma, Cave Rave Recordings, Augsmatic Diaspore … et Concrete Collage bien sûr 😉 https://www.lecatalyste.com/2019/01/le-catalyste-standalone-fxbip-music-and.html…

Happy Birthday to Oxynucid !

…Don’t forget to support his music on this special day, artists need you in this particular period ! 😉 #oxynucid #birthday #redalert #nameyourprice #supportyourartists [CC013] – Oxynucid – Truffles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59x__9Tur-s…

[Stazma: Shapeshifter LP Fundraiser] Oh great news ! We have exceeded 30% ! Thanks a lot everyone !

…Concrete Collage Records, we promise you great discoveries and the satisfaction of having supported artists whose unique vision can never be sufficiently highlighted. All the best ! Concretecollage.com https://soundcloud.com/concrete-collage/ccwax001-stazma-shapeshifter-promomix?in=concrete-collage/sets/ccwax001-stazma-shapeshifter stazma-shapeshifter-lp-cover…


Concrete Collage Records / Releases Here are all the EPs and LPs of Concrete Collage Records. But you can find more tracks in our free download samplepacks Ormd – Ashes…